Water Billing Problems

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

     As many of you have discovered the City has been experiencing some serious water billing problems.  The City has invested a lot of money on a new software system for billing and other accounting functions.  Unfortunately, the transition from our existing software to the new has not gone smoothly.  This glitch also occurred at the beginning of the City's water and sewer rate increase.  This seemed to compound the problem which saw a large number of customers getting unreasonably high water and sewer bills.

   It is understandable that problems will and do occur.  Recognizing the problems and taking swift action to resolve them is our commitment to our water customers and residents of our City.  Our citizens and customers deserve a courteous and prompt response whenever they have a problem.  We now have in place a procedure to respond to those with water bills that show unreasonably high water usage which is inconsistent with their normal usage.

    At our last Council Meeting, the Council authorized our City Manager to adjust bills that are obviously in error although any reason for the atypical water usage is may be unclear.  Should you have a bill that you believe to be in error, please contact our City Water Department.  If your problem is unresolved to your satisfaction, please contact our City Manager and 770-704-1508.  And if your problem is not resolved at this point, although I hope that it will be, please contact me at 770-704-1544.  Accessibility to your City government and to your elected officials is an essential element in our ability to serve our citizens.  Do not hesitate to contact me, your Mayor, or any of our City Council members as well.

   We believe our water billing problems are being resolved and that new ones are diminishing. Let's keep our fingers crossed that new problems don't arise.  But if they do, rest assured, we will address them in a courteous and professional manner because the City Staff and City Officials work for you.
Gene Hobgood

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Mayor Gene Hobgood